Friday, August 04, 2006

To Blog or Not to Blog?

My husband has been encouraging me to "blog" for quite sometime. I keep arguing that I'm a pen and paper kind of person. I love a nice pen with black ink. My 5 yr old daughter likes "glitter pens" and cute stationery; while my 2 yr olds just like the thrill of a capless pen and bare skin.

I love to watch my penmanship change as my emotions go from elated to sad. I love to feel some sense of creative power as I string letters together making whole thoughts. I love to cross out entire lines only to circle them later and "move" them to a new location by drawing an arrow. I love to see my mom's writing on something addressed to me. I love a handwritten love letter from my husband. I love the cheap therapy that scribbling on an envelope provides.

As you read this, know that this is the third version. I have already written and re-written on paper. I think better staring at a piece of college ruled paper. I have to wonder what all of this "blogging" is getting us. Are we really willing to give up our journals and diaries for a blog-site?


Anonymous said...

Ernie Gann used to wrte long-hand while sitting in a barber's chair...sorry, I thought there was a point in there somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Your second attempt at blogging was very good. Still, like you say, some things are best left for journals or diaries.

Record Store Geek said...

What are these crazy things called pen and paper that you mention? You're trying to tell me folks communicated without a keyboard? I don't believe you.

Anonymous said...

Stick with the blogging. You will come to love it. My husband also encouraged me to start and it was painful at first. What to say? What to do? Then it gets easier. Then you find things to blog about where ever you look. I never took the time to write things down, even though I had good intentions. I'm actually able to keep a blog up where I could never keep a journal. I view it as an visual scrapbook that you can thumb through any where or any time. It's also a great way to keep family and friends updated about your life. I dig reading about the adventures of the Ancient Pelican. I can't wait to read more of your stuff.
