Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Home Improvement

Who would have thought that I would spend more time in the laundry room than any other? Next time I buy a house, I am looking for a HUGE laundry room with cable hook up. In fact, I want a kitchen/laundry room. I could move laundry while making yet another meal that will end up on the floor. I could strip the kids at the dinner table, stain stick their clothes at the counter, and put them directly into the washer (the clothes that is). This would save at least six trips down the stairs per day. Oh, the possibilities of a nook with a washer/dryer hook-up.


Anonymous said...

I think I'd prefer the laundry room/bathroom. Off the body, into the washer. I'd never have to put my clothes into the hamper again. Perhaps the bathroom/laundry room right off the kitchen? The best of both worlds.

Ultimately, I'd also like a refrigerator that cleans itself out. Where does that container of "stuff" at the back come from? The cilantro hummus seemed so innoccuous when purchased.

Anonymous said...

I also think I would like the dining room floor to be at a slant with a drain/garbage disposal in one corner. If I had a hose plumbed with warm water I could then hose the floor and the children off at the same time- really no need for a shower. I've always said that the most important room of a house is the kitchen! Maybe my house hunt should really be a kitchen hunt.

Anonymous said...

I have had my laundry room in my bathroom for amny many years and I think it leaves something to be desired. You either have clothes all over the floor or you have laundry basket stacked up so you don't have enough room to do what the bathroom was intended for. No believe me its not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

The washer and dryer should be behind the bathroom door. That is where all the dirty clothes end up at our house.