Sunday, October 22, 2006

Groundhog Day

"THUD". Small feet running. Is that the toilet flushing? Laughing, lots of laughing. Suddenly, I am downstairs trying to fish an entire roll of toilet paper out of the bowl. What's that on the floor? Blue toothpaste...looks like gel and flour. Where did the flour come from? The natives are hungry. They're screaming for oatmeal. I serve it up. Someone isn't happy, only I don't know it until there is oatmeal EVERYWHERE...on the wall, the table, my face, the clean laundry (well, it was clean for a few hours. I wonder if we can still wear that..modern art, anyone?). The kittens are enjoying this breakfast. Footprints in food. What an interesting design on my kitchen floor. It must be playtime. Is that playdough in your juice? I can't see the playroom floor. It is covered in toy cars, babydoll bottles, and books. There is still hope that today can be salvaged, they must want to be read to. I am so wrong, they just haven't had enough fiber. They're actually eating the pages right out of the books. Lunchtime. You want a breakfast bar, a banana, and a handful of cookies? OK by me. Clean up, clean up, everybody clean up. Why am I the only one cleaning up? The day is half over and I am still in my jammies turned "lounge" wear. Naptime. I might be able to move a load of laundry, prep dinner, and change into something fresher than this morning's oatmeal. Last nights' bath-water soaked shirt has to smell better and maybe the kitties will leave me alone. Someone is crying, "NO NAP". Someone else is running downstairs yelling for a movie (pronounced "moobie"). I must have been mistaken, it's time for aerobics. They are finally asleep. Skip the fresh shirt, just put on a sweater. Skip prepping for dinner, we'll have mac and cheese (made with pasta in the shape of bugs- this is certain to be a hit). I just need to rest my eyes for a minute. 45 minutes later, the sky is falling. I'm up, I'm up. The boys are jumping off of their beds. Let's play outside for awhile (or until it is too dark and cold to be out there). They're digging in the dirt, pushing dump trucks around, swinging, and being pretty cute...if only for a moment. Someone is upset and his brother must pay. Bath time. No, let's keep the water in the tub. The floor is now covered in a nice mixture of dirt from the yard, bath-water, oats, and a touch of toothpaste...I don't remember ever coming back in here to clean up this morning. Dinner. No one wants bugs. In fact they are afraid of the bugs. Last week this was a huge hit. Ice cream for dinner, are you sure? Ok, it's a dairy item. Cozy up time. That means you have to sit still and let me read/talk about the pictures. Stop trying to feed the kitties your dirty socks. Where did those socks come from, you didn't wear socks today, did you? Finally, it's bedtime. Blankie, toy car, extra blankie, hall light, door halfway open. Good night, guys. "THUD". Small feet running....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute!! You will miss all of this one day.