Friday, November 17, 2006

Crying Over Spilt Milk

Last night at dinner one of my boys spilled his glass of milk all over the table. At first, I just wanted to add the table to my list of every-growing things to clean; but I quickly decided that milk all over the floor couldn't wait for me to find the list and a pen that actually worked. As I was wiping up the mess, I started to think about where the saying about not crying over spilt milk came from. And in an instant, I knew. This stay-at-home MOM (mother of multiples) can only take so much. I just needed something small to cry about because if I started to cry about the bigger stuff I might not ever stop. I needed to release just enough pressure to get through another bedtime routine. Here's to hoping that tomorrow is without the need for spilt milk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you felt about the spilled milk. Once, a lot of things were going wrong, but I was determined not to cry. One day our dog got run over; that was all I needed to start and I cried for days. (I hated the dog)!! but it wasn't about the dog.