Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas to All...

We spent the day with family opening presents, playing games (thank you, Auntie), and enjoying good food. Once the toys were broken in (or broken as the case may be), I had the opportunity to talk with Violet and her cousins about the occasion. The cousins are 6 (E) and 4 (G) years old.

The conversation went something like this:

Me: What is Christmas?
Violet: Jesus' Birthday.
G: Presents.

Me: How many presents?
G: lots...100...that means a lot of presents.
Me: Really?...hmmm...
E: I got 17.

Me: Why do we get presents?
V: To remind us of the 3 wisemen giving gifts to Jesus.

Me: Tell me about the wisemen.
G: They were bad guys.
Brother-in-law: Kinda like wise guys?
G: Yeah!

Me: Where was Jesus born?
E: in a barn...a chicken barn.

Me: Who was there?
V: pigs, camels.
E: God, Mary, and Joseph, animals.
They finally agree that Jesus must have been there too!

Me: Why were camels there?
V & G: Because they brought the wisemen.

Me: How do you think the trip on a camel was?
V: it was long.
E: it was a lumpy ride.

Me: Now that Christmas is over, what's next?
E: Go to bed...

These brief answers were difficult to get, the kids were busy running around and laughing...simply enjoying their time together. C and I have been saying to Violet that Christmas is not about "the stuff", it's about the birth of The Saviour. We have tried hard to give more of ourselves this season. We have tried to model relational giving and less material giving. Watching them play, showed me that kids already get it, it's us adults that have to keep hearing "it's not about the stuff". I pray that this season of joy lives on throughout the year...

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