Monday, January 29, 2007

I Am In a Need-to-Know-Right-Now Situation

How long does it take for 5, maybe 6, crayons to melt in a heat vent?

Let's assume the following is true (because it is, mostly):
-the crayons are Crayola brand (because the off-brand variety isn't as "easy" to remove from furniture)
-they were body temp when they were forced into the vent (I know this because I had just done the Heimlich Maneuver.)
-the heat is kept at a constant 67 degrees (where is the little degree symbol on a keyboard?)

How does the melt rate change if the temperature is lowered by 20 degrees?

How many layers of clothing would be required to keep two 30 lb boys alive at 47 degrees for 4 days? (Maybe I shouldn't be concerned with keeping them alive until The Pilot gets home but rather when he gets home.)

What if I forget to mention the impending crayon fondu? How much will THAT lapse in memory cost me$?$

What if Train A leaves Cincinnati at 8am and Train B leaves Portland at 9am, when and where will they meet if they are traveling at speeds of...Wait, that's an old problem I don't have time to revisit. And, so far, I haven't needed the solution--I never take the train!

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