So, I'm sitting on the couch- not folding laundry, not sorting laundry, not even thinking about laundry (until this very second)- surfing on The Pilot's laptop -the beauty of him being home! (This statement makes me laugh. I am having visions of me at the beach with my Gateway board, just waiting for the best wave!)
I digress.
I was scrolling through OrBlogs when I spotted "Non-Profit". The two line teaser piqued my curiosity. So I clicked and continued reading. I even commented using my real name (ok, not my name but my initial! You know I like my privacy!) Anyway, I put "non-profit" in my profile, and now I feel the need to defend/explain that. I might even remove it after I complete this entry.
Originally, I used it because I was sick to death of people asking me IF I work. I want to scream "I work ALL day, EVERYday" while throwing my laundry basket. I'm also irritated that Blogger does not offer me a way to describe my "Industry". Someone recently told my sister that they would love "to be that lazy". The nerve of some people.
Being home with them is difficult- I won't lie- but it is also the most rewarding thing I have EVER done. My college degree has done nothing to prepare me for dominoes in the wall, endless questions about mummies (I think we're finally moving on, but only after a trip to the library to see real pictures with real descriptions. Yes, I let her look and then she decided that they were "too gross". Yeah!), laundry in the toilet, singing "clean-up, clean-up" all day long, fire in the playroom, deoderant ALL over the bathroom floor (that's a whole 'nother entry!), sleepless nights, countless diapers, mom clothes, enough tears to flood the neighborhood, scraped knees (real and imaginary), broken favorite toys, lost "lovies" (aka stuffed animals), and no social life.
My "industry" is only "non-profit" in terms of my gaining money. I am certainly contributing to the financial profit of many establishments as I buy diapers, sippy cups, books- easy reader types, and the occasional latte that I allow myself on really long mornings. My payment comes in facials and "hand-cials" with Violet, love bug kisses from Herbie, and Aunt Fanny sized hugs from Bigweld.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
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Oh! I thought that wonderful grandma was referring to me! I put the non-profit in too because, well, it was on the list and, well, we're perpetually broke!
But I meant it tongue-in-cheek as well, because if you don't laugh, you could be crying all the time.
I'm so lucky to stay home with my kids, even on the days they get together in a huddle and agree to drive me into the funny farm before lunch!
Hi! I just read your comment on my blog and thought I'd come by this morning while I'm drinking my "wake up" coffee and before my little grandson arrives for the day! It wasn't your blog I'd found...she came by and commented right after you, so I've found HER and YOU! I forgot to grab the link to her blog, but you ought to check it out because we women NEED each other and her blog is very good, too! I'm looking at life from the perspective of being a stay-at-home Grandma, but I do have one wonderful blog friend, Judy in Michigan, who is also a SAHG, so she and I compare notes a lot, haha! Anyway, I enjoyed your site so much and will be back...and THIS morning I'm remembering to add it to my Favorites so I can find it again. The other mom's blog is at ORblogs..."Motherhood is!" and she lives in Astoria, if you want to check her out. I think you'll enjoy her perspectives, too. Have a great day, and I hope you stop by again. BTW, I live in SE Portland, south of Mt. Tabor. :-D
I tell everyone I know that you work a heck of a lot harder than I do!
Your Hubby sounds a lot like mine, bless his heart. I LOVED this post. Even as a SAHG I sometimes feel so overwhelmed with it all. Gotta scoot...little grandson just came in the door and he LOVES my computer, lol!
For all you stay-at-home-moms (my own daughter is one) I want to tell you that one of the things that I regret most in my life is that I chose to work outside the home instead of raising my children full-time, at least until they were in school. Some ladies seem to perform miracles by holding outside jobs and being very involved in their childrens' every day lives, but I wasn't that organized, I guess. My kids turned out great, but I wish I'd stayed home and been a larger part of their childhoods......for me as well as for them. I greatly admire all of you and am so jealous of the memories that you're going to have that I don't, like first steps, first words.....first a-lot-of-things. You are very blessed indeed and all the hard work, sacrifices and exhaustion that you feel now will be worth it, I promise you.
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