Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Sometimes A Girl Just Wants To Be Rescued

It was just one and then two and then it was an entire army. They were invading my kitchen. Were they looking for lunch? Or just a snack? Did they intend to carry the cookie jar off with them? I thought I was winning the war; but they kept sending out replacement troops.

And then I saw him. He was tall, blond, and handsome. He was my knight in shining armor. His weapons of choice were insect spray and ant traps. The man in uniform was willing to rescue the damsel in distress, and I loved it. Chivalry is not dead...and I'm singing dead ants! dead ants! dead ants!


Anonymous said...

Ants! I was just cursing the nice weather solely because it means the return of those little beasts. I don't know why they insist on invading my house every year. I've tried all sorts of solutions from the healthy cayenne pepper to the deadly Raid. Nothing seems to work for long. Oh well, I will continue to battle all through summer.

Anonymous said...

I love short posts! With punch! I love chivalry too. (I hate ants.)