I swore I would NEVER buy size 5 diapers! GROSS!
Why can't my almost 3 year old twin boys figure out how to use the toilet on a regular basis?...ugh...I am seriously looking to outsource their potty training. Anyone brave enough to take on such a task? Just leave a comment and I WILL get in touch with you immediately. Pay is dependent on rate of success. (The Pilot is willing to trade a life-time of buddy passes to anyone who can "complete" the training course.)

I was very frustrated as well with potty training. When I was researching potty training a common theme seemed to be praise and positive reinforcement. I came across a website called www.pottytrainingrewards.com. We hung it in the kitchen and named the little boy on the front of the package, Bobby. My son could not wait to go to the potty so he could push the button, hear the praising message, and get his chocolate reward from, Bobby. It really got my son excited about using the potty himself and it was fun for him. Because he became so involved, potty training was easy. So give it a try. Good Luck!
Buddy Passes, heck! I'll buy positive space tickets for anyone who put an end to the diaper spree!
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