Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sin Loves Company

Violet gets into the car. She is very grouchy. I warn her that there are consequences for being disrespectful. She continues to be rude. I start to give the "you're making some bad choices" speech when she blurts out with: "I wish I hadn't sinned" (was this a healthy sense of guilt or a cry for absolution or frustration in not being able to play a Curious George computer game?) I then chime in with, "I wish you hadn't either" (I might have chuckled. Bad Mommy.) ...Silence...followed by more silence...Then I hear a rather loud Violet voice blurt out "YOU'VE SINNED TOO" (hmmm...was she pointing out the painfully obvious or was she embarrassed and in need of company on her walk of shame?)


Anonymous said...

I love all of these stories of the kids. Kids really do say the darnest things!

Anonymous said...

Seems like an adult subject; a small child shouldnt be talking about sin so seriously.

Swimming In Laundry said...

Thanks for your concern. I feel like Violet's ability to tell right from wrong is a huge plus. I think too many people are afraid to talk about sin and judgment. There is a right and a wrong. I am so thankful that she has a conscience.