In that time I have:
- Washed 5 different uniform styles.
- Been stuck in Reno for 3 days without a change of clothes.
- Been willing to walk home from Hood River - about 60 miles (I was so air-sick and hungry that I just wanted OUT!)
- Been eaten alive in Wisconsin while hearing about Floyd's lack of a bladder and watching the rather large growth on Bernice's hand pulsate with each breath.
- Seen the Eiffel Tower at night and Big Ben at lunch time. (Thank you airline employee benefits)
- Moved across state lines while hubby flew across the country.
- Had 3 children.
- Gone from full-time employee with financial benefits to full time mom with benefits paid in toothless smiles, slobbery kisses, and hours of Dr. Seuss.
- Accepted modern technology (I have a cell phone but no land line. I am addicted to high speed internet access, and I've mastered "self checkout".)
- Learned to sew (thanks to my mother-in-law).
- Jumped out of a perfectly good airplane...On purpose of course.
- Discovered that I like to play in the dirt; a hobby my daughter calls "yardening" (basic yard work, gardening, and hide & seek).
- Seen Mendenhall Glacier.
- Learned a third language-"pilot speak".
- Prayed every night for a better schedule.
- Accepted the schedule (I think).
- A true appreciation for quality time together.
- A sense of excitement about the next 10 years as an aviation family.
- To wonder if our children will fly...hmm...What a passion to pass on!
- Had the adventure of a lifetime with the man of my dreams. THANK YOU!
That was a wild ride; sure beats 30 years sitting behind a desk.
It will only get better from here!
You are obviously a great writer like your husband and I look forward to reading your blog entries about this next chapter in your aviation family journal.
I just read your last entry again. It is fun to read; you have had some wild experiences havent you.
You've also:
- Ended countless phone calls with "Gotta go, it might be..."
- Shown up at your friend's dorm during a Valentine's day snow storm, driven by the pelican himself (much to everyone's surprise!) to spread some cheer
- Had the first date of a lifetime (the kind all women dream of) and then debated over Rice Krispies Treats whether or not the pilot really liked you and what you might should do about it...
- Spent nights in hotels in glamorous places like Spokane and 82nd Avenue
- Dressed your beautiful children in "airplane wear," only to explain later that it wasn't an obsession, their father really was a pilot
- Learned that no matter how hard it is to parent toddler twins alone, it's even harder to be away from home.
- Been brave enough to pack a bag for Texas
- and been a fabulous friend.
That's Blvd of Roses, Auntie! What a good friend to remember all of that!
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