Friday, April 27, 2007

Kilroy Was Here

Why do I blog?

That's a good question...let me think a minute... I don't have enough brain power for a full minute of thought...seriously...there are a few reason I blog.

When my daughter was born I started a written journal for her. Nothing fancy, just my thoughts and emotions about whatever- letters to her, thoughts about her daddy, feelings on current events. It was a way for me to introduce my young mother self to my future adult daughter. At times I felt like I was writing a relevant history book for her. And other times, I was just talking. She knows I have this journal and she knows where it is. She is looking forward to the day I read it to her or simply hand it over. When will that day come? I have no idea.

Then the boys were born and our lives changed as I could have never imagined. All journaling stopped, all logical thinking stopped; I was simply consumed with surviving yet another day at home alone with 3 small children. My sole goal became keeping us all alive until The Pilot came home. Now, that we are trying to shift from survival mode to live life mode, I want something to give to the boys too. I want them to know that at some point-usually during their sleeping hours- I am capable of complete sentences and thoughts.

So the answer to the question is: I blog for my own sanity. I blog because sarcasm is lost on the very young. I blog because sometimes the comments are my only contact with the outside world (so, if you never comment I never "get out"! hint hint) I blog as a way to record my prove I was "here".

Why do you blog?


The Pelican said...

Three great kids, a well-run household and a warm home-coming all prove to me that you are here...I appreciate the work you do.

Anonymous said...

I started blogging to record crafty things that I made. I've discovered over time that now I seem to blog more and more about my personal life. I like the idea of documenting important items I don't want to forget.

I'm currently in the process of making a hardbound book of the first 2 years of my blog. There is a service that makes this really easy to do. I'm formatting each page to look the way I want it to. It has been so great to re-read posts from 2 years ago; it's been a nice walk down memory lane.

I'm so thankful for the blogs of my friends and family. It really helps me keep in contact with people and to know how they are doing when we are all so busy to keep up proper correspondence.

Danifesto said...

This is a great post! I think I blog for a similar reason. I live with a non-native English speaker, so many of my thoughts are too complicated to flesh out with him. Instead they bounce around my head, trying to take form. When I get them out on the blog, I feel at peace. That's truly the only agenda. If others are amused, intrigued or enlightened, then that's really just icing on the cake!